
FAQ - Golvspackel Products


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En självtorkande avjämningsmassa skall ligga öppen det antal dagar som finns stipulerade i respektive produktblad. Detta för att överskottsvattnet skall torka ut innan avjämningsmassan beläggs. Förbränningen fortsätter efter beläggningen, genom den förhöjda mängden av det lågalkaliska bindemedel som finns i produkten. En normaltorkande avjämningsmassa torkar med ca: 1mm per dygn, ner till 85% RF, och beläggs först när detta värde uppnåtts. I båda fallen förutsätts att temperaturen i omgivning och underlag överensstämmer med det som är stipulerat i produktbladen. 

Primerns funktion är att utöka vidhäftningsförmågan mellan avjämningsmassan och underlaget. Den tätar underlaget så att ingen blåsbildning, eller så kallade ”pinnhål/kratrar” uppstår i ytan. Primern säkerställer även att utflytet blir rätt, genom att förhindra att underlaget suger ut vattnet för snabbt ur densamma.

Nej! En primer som fryst skall inte återanvändas.

Det betyder att produkten innehåller fibrer, som kan ge en armerande effekt, lämpligt vid ROT-objekt eller golv med svagare underlag t.ex. limrester, trä m.fl.

Ja, men flytförmågan och torktiden kommer att förlängas. Vi rekommenderar att man tar in säckarna i värmen, om möjligt, inför läggningen.

På säckarna, eller våra produktblad, hittar du åtgången av respektive produkt.

Det är mängden vatten, temperatur och ventilation som påverkar uttorkningstiden. Följ våra anvisningar i produktbladen.

Här skall du följa golvvärmeleverantörens anvisningar! 

Generellt kan man säga att för en vattenburen golvvärme skall det vara minst 20mm över slangens överkant. För elburen golvvärme skall avjämningsmassan täcka minst 10mm, räknat ifrån slangens överkant. 

Det innebär att produkten tål uppfuktning t.ex. platta på mark, källargolv eller fritt vatten. Produkten är även formstabil.

Det går alldeles utmärkt! Använd en kraftig borrmaskin, med därtill avsedd visp, och hink eller tunna.

När avjämningsmassan har uppnått tillräcklig ytstyrka och yttorrhet är den mattläggningsbar. Fukten ifrån tätskikt, eller mattlim kan tränga in i den, och binder då samman de två med underlaget. Här skiljer tidsmässigt när produkterna är beläggningsbara, mellan normaltorkande och självtorkande avjämningsmassor. De olika egenskaper och tider som föreligger, återfinns redovisade i våra produktblad.

CE-märkning är en europeisk standard för materialen. Syftet är att materialen skall kunna försäljas över gränserna. Här ger CE-märkningen en förenklad bild av materialens egenskaper, som de ingående länderna är överens om.

P-märkningen innebär att produkten uppfyller lag- och myndighetskrav, men också att den genomgått kvalitetskontroller utförda av en oberoende part, RISE. För dig som kund innebär det ökad trygghet!

Ja! Värmen får inte aktiveras inom 28 dagar efter avslutad spackling.

Ja! För mycket vatten i produkten försvagar hållfastheten.

EPSCement® is a heat-insulating, high-filling castable lightweight concrete with very low weight, which, after coating with leveling compound, gives finished floor surfaces with high strength. The floor surfaces are then ready for coating with different surface layers such as clinker, parquet or textile / plastic mat. EPSCement® is laid to a minimum total thickness including leveling compound / tie set of 50 mm and in practice there is no upper limit on how thick EPSCement® can be laid. The thickness can also be allowed to vary, for example, to absorb unevenness in the substrate and enclose pipelines.

In a big way in all types of floor constructions where there is a need to fill up the floors of finished floor surface coating, such as slab (not structural parts), roofs, floors in cellars, garages, storage, shower and bath, toilet , laundry and utility room. EPSCement® adds very little weight on the ground and is also thermally insulating.

EPSCement® can be laid on solid substrates such as concrete, lightweight concrete, tile and floor putty and should then be adhered to the substrate. EPSCement® can also be laid on non-stable substrates such as wood and substrates with loose or partially loose surface and should then be laid in liquid construction. In addition, EPSCement® can also be laid directly on the ground and should then be placed on a bed of capillary breaking single or macadam.

EPSCement® should be placed in a minimum total thickness including screed / flooring of 50 mm. In practice, there is no limit to how thick the concrete mass can be laid.

The thickness can be allowed to vary, for example to take up irregularities in the
Surface and to enclose pipes.

EPSCement® should be placed in a minimum total thickness including screed / flooring of 50 mm. The reasons for this is that a certain thickness is required for the foamed concrete to be self-supporting, particularly when it is added to the floating structure, but also for the material not to dry out too quickly, which could easily take place if the mass is laid out too thin.

No, EPSCement® does not need to be reinforced. On the other hand, most suppliers of leveling compound recommend that it be reinforced on surfaces > 10 m2.

When EPSCement® laid with adhesive should always base primed with floor primer diluted in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. When laying the floating structure, the substrate coated with a polyethylene film, to be made carefully so that no air pockets. On single / macadam needs no pre-made.

EPSCement® is delivered in 50-liter bag (weight only 17 kg) or when greater need pumped from our trucks. The material in the bag is ready to be mixed with water and the full bag must be mixed in the same blend, car pump supplying the material with 150 m hose directly to the site, quickly and with expertise.

EPSCement® ec350m mixed with 6.4 liters of water in full in the same mixture. Pour all ofthe water in a 100-liter thin, free fall mixer (raffle) or industrial mixer.

Add the entire contents of the bag and mix with concrete whipped the drill or mixing machine to a smooth and seamless soil moist texture. Mix with a whisk and thin.

EPSCement® ec350m may be mixed with 5 to 7.2 liters of water per sack.  At water content from 5.8 to 7.2 liters per sack ec350m is pumpable and can be mixed continuously in usually occurring mixing pumps and flow mixer, and pumped in usually occurring usespumps and mixing pumps.

EPSCement® mixed to the soil moist texture is laid out evenly on the part of the floor surface to be processed. EPSCementen then drawn by the webs straightedge and improved with sword (decolitstål) at edges, corners, protruding pipes etc. In small areas can surface machining done only with the sword.

EPSCement® ec350m the pumpable consistency is pumped out to the desired level and smoothed with wide screeds, steel or bull float.

EPSCement® is added in a minimum thickness of 20 mm in combination with minimum grinding rate of 30 mm 30 mm in combination with screed minimum 20 mm. When laying directly on the ground is recommended at least 150 mm EPSCement® to the required thermal insulation is achieved.

EPSCement® can be added and processed in up to about one hour after the mixture at normal temperature conditions (10-25 ° c).

EPSCement® is self-drying, which means that all mixed water is consumed for cement curing. The leveling / grinding kit can therefore be applied immediately if the floor surface need not be treaded or after about 12 hours if the floor surface must be treaded and must be laid within 3 days. The leveling should then dry according to the supplier's instructions, normally 1 - 3 weeks, before any surface coating is done.

Note that evening / grinding kit should also be coated with surface layers within the recommended time for each product.

EPSCement® does not add moisture to the building due to its self-drying nature. EPSCement® can therefore be built into the design early without any risk of elevated moisture levels in the finished construction. The self-drying property also means that it is immediately inappropriate to expose EPSCement® to forced dehydration with dehumidifying equipment.

No leveling can be laid directly on EPSCement® without pretreatment with primer.

EPSCement® works well in combination with underfloor heating, but heating system is to be superimposed EPSCement® casting. This is the most favorable on account of EPSCement® heat insulation. No heat is lost down the structure, but credited to the floor surface.Floor heating should never be placed in EPSCement® mass.

Since EPSCement® itself is insulating can in such a case the heat spread from the mass up to the floor surface in an optimal way.

A bag provides 45 liters of finished mass. The consumption is calculated by the formula: length (m) x width (m) x thickness (mm) / 45 = nr. Of bags.

>> link to the consumption table from our finnish website.

In the normal case should always EPSCement® coated with smoothing or sharpening kit. Directly on EPSCement® however epsilent® sound mat added as acoustic damping function desired. At the sound mat is then leveling the special quality and specifically workmanship.

The drying time before coating can be coated due to the leveling / screed and which surface layer to be added. Consequently, the instructions from the supplier of leveling / screed.

EPSCement® has a high curing temperature and therefore can increase the insulating foam curing temperature further and unwanted effects. For this reason, we advise generally for combinations with foam. In the case of building blocks of foam, it is also a question of buoyancy. One should not directly replace concrete to EPSCement®, but the structure bearing capacity must be recalculated.

Why choose EPSCement®?

Tough reasons that speak for a lighter concrete!

  • Easy
  • Strong
  • Easy to diffuse
  • Pumpable
  • Moisture & Frostproof
  • Insulating
  • Sound-absorbing
  • Fireproof
  • Sprayable
  • etc.